Meet The Raven Team

Mark Daniel, Founder

Mark started Raven Ministries in 2017 while living in Peru with his family and ministering to the local population. Mark’s dream is to build a mental health clinic specializing in care for the next generation in Augusta Georgia, designed to bring the light of the holy spirit into people’s lives. Mark is a highly regarded physicians assistant and certified mental health coach.

“God is so good to me.” – Mark Daniel

Christian Griffin

Jack Smith
Cadyn Collins
John Silver

Featured Team Member
Samuel Turner


“My name is Samuel Turner and I am a 20-year-old Liberty University student. I have long known my sole occupational purpose as a Christian is to serve and I have been eagerly waiting for and seeking an opportunity like this. The chance to join Raven Clinics and give it everything is an answer to prayer not only for myself, but possibly an answer to many others’ prayers as well.
My own battle with mental health has given me immense empathy and compassion for those who are in the same situation. But as I’ve lived through my own burden and seen other’s grow, I can say in every circumstance the battles were fought by Christ alone and through people like us: people that want to help and know that only Jesus can bring effective healing.
I provide insight into my generation: about what it’s like to live in a socially technocratic atmosphere, have Truth seen as the enemy, and to witness firsthand the collapse of the family in our country and its effects on the health of our youth. I would love nothing more than to serve the Kingdom and give people the seven times seventh chance and beyond, knowing full well I need it too.” – Samuel Turner

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
Galatians 6:2